- 2.1: Accueil
- 2.2: Gratuit ou payant ?
- 2.3: Domaines authentifiés
- 2.5: Paiement
- 2.6: Services API
- 2.8: Services SMTP
- La page courante est 2.9: Services personnalisés
- 2.10: Contact
Services personnalisés
The custom service is the additional service that we can fully support our clients and customers who got the following technical difficulties to send emails with their own domains.
- DON'T have own domains or technical skills to setup DNS, DKIM, DMARC and etc.
- HAVE a domain but DON'T know how to utilize or customize our services.
We are proud to have helped international organisations, clients and customers successfully and seamlessly customize and utilized our services for their own business.
In any case, do not hesitate to contact us, we are all here to help.
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